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8 Things You Can Do To Make Your Long Distance Relationship Work

8 Things You Can Do To Make Your Long Distance Relationship Work

Sakshi Rawte

Most of us wouldn’t even entertain the possibility of jumping into a long distance relationship, no? I mean, my version of an LDR is dating somebody from the suburbs because I live in town. But as life progresses, sometimes you don’t really have a choice. Especially when you come across someone that you connect with on an entirely different level. You feel like you’d do anything to make things work out with them, even if that means considering a long distance relationship.

As the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. The romantic in me believes that distance makes the heart grow fonder too. While not seeing your partner whenever you want to, not being able to share the highs and lows with them can get painful— isn’t it all worth the wait when you finally get to see them? No one said it would be easy, just worth all the waiting and yearning. Most often, the world will discourage you from pursuing a long distance relationship by making you believe that it only ends in heartbreak. That doesn’t have to be the case if both the individuals are willing to put in the effort, hardwork and are up for all the challenges this throws at them.

Here are a few tips to make your long-distance relationship work.—

Clear And Crisp Communication

Communication, especially clear and crisp communication builds the foundation for any relationship, whether that’s a romantic relationship or a platonic one too. Making sure that the both of you are communicating and voicing your opinion about everything is extremely crucial. If your partner does something that bothers you, don’t bottle it up. Let those feelings out and speak about it. This doesn’t mean you have to constantly be texting each other, please!

Setting Ground Rules

Alright, I know this may sound a tad bit overwhelming, but setting some ground rules that will work for your relationship are hella important. What we mean by ground rules is deciding on things like texting, video calling and even exclusivity. For example, plenty of long distance relationships work on the premise that both individuals are allowed to be with other people sexually, an open relationship essentially. While this may not work for most, it does work for some. 

Plan Virtual Date Nights

We cannot stress enough on the importance of date nights. Every relationship NEEDS to have date nights to remind both the individuals how much they care about each other. But how do you make these date nights happen when you’re miles away? Hello technology! Virtual dates can be extremely fun too, okay? All thanks to modern technology, we have things like Netflix Party that can make movie dates easy AF! Or, you could always dress up and take yourself to a restaurant and have a cute virtual date with your partner.

Try To Keep Things Sexy And Spicy

Um, did you really think we wouldn’t include this one on the list? I personally believe that keeping things steamy is a massive pillar that holds a long distance relationship together. Sex is a crucial part of any relationship, and often sex is the reason LDR’s end up crumbling. Keeping the passion burning is what makes things so much spicier. Sending each other sexy pictures or initiating some dirty talk from time to time should be on the top of your lists.

Understand That Your Life Doesn’t Revolve Around Them

Most long distance relationships take place when you’re living in other continents, countries and cities. Which means you’re gonna try your best to speak to them all the time and stay in touch with them throughout. But, don’t you think that’s overdoing things? When you’re an adult who’s in a healthy relationship, realising that your life doesn’t revolve around your relationship is important. This means you shouldn’t be cancelling plans to speak to your partner, but instead, figuring out a common ground.

Plan A Vacation Together

You know what they say, you don’t really know someone till you plan a vacation with them. While vacationing in a dreamy location with your significant other is the ultimate #CoupleGoals, what’s even better is waiting for this vacation to take place. Isn’t it so exciting? To plan a trip whilst you’re both far away from each other and having something special to look forward to? 

Swap Your Belongings

There’s nothing more adorable than stealing your partner’s clothes or belongings and keeping them to yourself, I said it! Having a part of them with you while they physically aren’t feels extremely safe. It’s a reminder that they’re always going to be by your side, no matter what. Also ladies, does anything fit you better than your partner’s clothes? I think NOT!

Don’t Ever Lose Faith

As clichéd as it may sound, having faith and hope in your relationship and the love that you share is all you need. Love is a powerful feeling and has the power to create magic. On some days, holding on may seem like a difficult task. But reminding yourself of how much you care for your partner and enjoy being around them is all you need to do. Faith can be unbreakable.

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