Months before its release, Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham starrer Pathaan managed to keep the excitement high. Earlier this month. the film’s teaser was dropped and now to give the fans all the more reasons to look forward to the film, the makers have a solid plan. Yes, director Siddharth Anand recently shared that even before the film’s trailer drops, the audience will witness two blockbusters songs from it. But before I tell you more about it, watch Pathaan’s teaser here…
Since the makers want to keep everything about the plot of Pathaan under wraps to build anticipation and feed into the incredible fan frenzy that is already surrounding the film. So, Pathaan’s marketing campaign will first see two spectacular songs of the film being dropped first before the trailer is unveiled in January!
Talking about the same, Siddharth says…
Pathaan has two spectacular songs. And fortunately both are so incredible that they are potential chartbuster anthems of the year. Hence, we decided to give people ample time to enjoy the songs before the film releases. Especially since December is a party and holiday season for people across the world. So we will release the songs of the film before the theatrical trailer. This is also part of our strategy to hold back the plot of Pathaan to as close to the release as possible. So get ready to dance to the music of Pathaan.
Pathaan is slated to release on 25th January 2022 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.