The most anticipated film in Bollywood this year has been Adipurush. The movie starring superstars Prabhas, Saif Ali Khan, and Kriti Sanon has gotten a lot of attention from the audience as it also features a few of the biggest Bollywood actors. The movie is about Ram’s high ideals, which include Dharma, Courage, and Sacrifice.The budget of Rs. 500 crores, out of which it has already recovered Rs. 432 crores. Prabhas flew from Hyderabad to Tirupati to seek blessings ahead of the final trailer launch.
Prabhas was seen by many fans at the Suprabatha Seva at 2:30 am in a kurta and dhoti and fans called him a “man with a heart of gold”. He was also seen in a cart while giving a humbling smile to the crowd. He was posing with many police officers, his team, and fans. The actor was also given a red shawl at the temple which he wrapped around him and kindly smiled at the crowd at the venue. He had a VIP darshan early in the morning.
Check Out: Adipurush Movie Review
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The streets of Tirupati are filled with posters of the awaited Adipurush and it is so wholesome. I am really looking forward to watch this movie in theatres on 16 June.
Also read: Adipurush First Trailer Review