Films based on the mythological epic, Ramayana have been in talks recently ever since the release of Adipurush. As per the news reports on Bollywood Life, Hrithik Roshan has rejected not one, but two films that were in the works of recreating the Ramayana epic on the big screen. One was Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana, which now stars Bollywood’s favourite jodi, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor. Another Ramayana remake that Hrithik rejected was by his father-in-law back then, Sanjay Khan.
Nitesh Tiwari in 2021 offered Hrithik Roshan the role of Raavan in his project which is still in the works, Nitesh then asked Yash from KGF to take on the role which he as well did not opt-in for. Apart from this, it is also said that Hrithik was said to be part of his then father-in-law Sanjay Khan, where he was casted as the lead, as Ram. His then brother-in-law Zayed Khan was set to play Lakshman in the film. The film however fell through and never saw the light of day. However, I do feel Hrithik would have made for a great Ram and would absolutely fit the role, especially with Zayed Khan by his side.
As for the work front, Hrithik has three films lined up for release – War 2, Fighter and Krishh 4 which is in its latency stages.