Ranbir Kapoor’s Ramayana has been one of the most highly anticipated films, with fans eagerly waiting for an official announcement. Though the cast has not been officially confirmed, there have been numerous sightings on set and plenty of rumors swirling around. Now, casting director Mukesh Chhabra has given fans a glimpse of what’s to come by revealing why Ranbir Kapoor was chosen to play Lord Rama in Nitesh Tiwari’s epic saga.
Mukesh Chhabra shared these insights during a recent episode of The Ranveer Show podcast. He explained that Ranbir Kapoor‘s calm and composed demeanor made him the perfect fit for the role of Lord Rama. According to Chhabra, Nitesh Tiwari had considered Ranbir for the role early on, believing that his serene presence would be essential for portraying such an iconic character. He hinted that the brilliance of this casting choice will become evident once the film is released.
This revelation has me super excited to see Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Rama in ‘Ramayana’! I can’t wait to witness his portrayal in this highly anticipated film.