Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are expecting their first baby, and they recently shared a maternity photoshoot that has completely stolen hearts. The pictures are pure, beautiful, and have fans swooning over the couple’s love and excitement. But it’s Ranveer Singh’s latest gesture for Deepika Padukone that has truly gone viral, showing just how deeply he adores her during this special time.
After posting the stunning maternity photoshoot on Instagram, Ranveer Singh updated his display picture to one of the most captivating images from the shoot, where he’s gazing lovingly into Deepika’s eyes. This heartfelt gesture is a testament to how thrilled he is about becoming a dad, and it’s no wonder fans can’t stop talking about it!
I am in complete awe of Ranveer and Deepika, and I can’t wait to see them embark on this beautiful new journey together. Their love and excitement are truly inspiring!