High person
Source: 9Gag.com

Hi friends, how are you guys? I know there is another day left for the weekend to arrive so take this list as something you know will happen to you, but just don’t want to admit. This is the weekend you break your resolution (of not having more than 2 drinks in a night); this is the weekend you realise you enjoy rum, vodka and sangrias far too much and you HAVE to consume them all at once; and yes, this is the weekend where you become an embarrassment to friends and family because of your pathetic capacity. That’s why here’s a list of the 10 basic things you will find impossible to do when you’re drunk. Why do you need to know this? Just because.

1) Standing straight

John Watson
Source: Gifsoup.com

You will try… and try… and try… but you will not succeed. Alcohol (a lot of it) does quite a bit damage to one person, but the biggest damage is that it makes you feel like you have jelly instead of knees.

2) Dancing

Drunk girls
Source: Tumblr.com

You can definitely dance when you’re drunk, the problem is that it doesn’t remain a normal dance after a while. This thing you do starts looking like you’re imitating a chimpanzee high on caffeine or a raccoon who accidentally drank all the Red Bull.

3) Texting

Benedict Cumberbatch
Source: Tumblr.com

Of course you can text when high! Only it’s not usually in the language normal humans understand. Drunk texts are like codes; they need to be deciphered by the ones who know you far too well.

4) Answering questions

Source: Tumblr.com

Yeah, you aren’t really the sharpest tool in the box.

5) Smiling for the camera or for anyone

Leonardo DiCaprio
Source: Giphy.com

In your head, you look perfect. Sadly, that’s ONLY in your head.

6) Having a glass of water

Source: Tumblr.com

What is this clear liquid? Why does it feel so good after having this? Why don’t I have only this, without mixing it with that golden coloured liquid? Why?

7) Going down stairs

Drunk walking
Source: Tumblr.com

Nobody said it was easyyyyyy“- finally figured out what Chris Martin was singing about.

8) Singing

Source: Tumblr.com

Usually starts with the latest ‘cool‘ chartbuster and ends with Altaf Raja classics. None of them sound like songs regardless of how hard you try to carry a tune.

On that note, where is Altaf these days?

Altaf Raja
Source: Saavn.com

Someone please find him; I miss my bae.

9) Getting out of the car

Bridget Jones
Source: Tumblr.com

Too much effort required.

10) Understanding life

Source: Giphy.com

That’s my face even when I’m sober when it comes to understanding life… the world… the universe… Interstellar… maths… etc, etc.

But honestly, none of us regret forgetting these basic things in life when we’re ‘under the influence’ because…

Breaking Bad
Source: Tumblr.com

Truer words were never spoken. Happy waiting-for-Friday-so-I-can-hit-the-bar everybody!