To win your very own In My City single (autographed by Priyanka Chopra!) just update your Facebook cover photo with her album artwork and post a comment below with what you love best about PC!
Psst! You’ll find the cover photo right here, save it and update your FB cover photo now! Tell me when you’re done, we’ll come find your page and grab a screen shot and you could win a signed CD thanks to our friends over at Universal Music & Desi Hits, btw we heart you guys 🙂

Priyanka Chopra, “From daddy’s little girl to everyone who believed in me even before I did.. my family and my team.. PS. I love you.”
Thats right, we’re revisiting our Piggy Chops love fest 🙂 PC has over 2 million Twitter followers and 3 million Facebook fans (yup that’s all of us!), she is undoubtedly one of a kind and the first Bollywood belle to have her own pop single (which features the awesome Will.I.Am) Don’t you just love it?

You can pre-order her single for just 75rs on Flipkart right here.
Also exclusively available at the Nokia Music Store: here.
PS. In case you missed the launch event check out Team MissMalini’s front row access blog here! xoxo