Curious George wanted to know, “What is the status of the star wives club, post the separation of Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne Roshan? Are Gauri, Mehr, Suzanne, Maheep and Bhawana still the thick of friends?” Industrywalla: Nope that equation has majorly changed. Even though publicly they might be seen at each other’s events and even photographed together, there is a evident rift between Sussanne and Mehr Rampal since the Roshan breakup. Also Gauri Khan and Mehr are no longer friends either after the latter apparently gossiped about Shah Rukh Khan‘s close “friendship” with Priyanka Chopra.

Maheep Kapoor now plays the buffer between these women and is the only one who has managed to stay friends with both the camps. It seems that Gauri’s close friend Kajal Anand fondly called “Putlu” has also moved away from the clique and is no longer part of their inner circle.
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