There’s always that one night when you just can’t seem to get yourself to sleep. It’s either because of work, anxiety, jet lag or your brain just isn’t ready to switch off! It’s not because of some clinical reason that you’re having trouble sleeping. I have this issue every once in a while and have tried tailoring a range of different playlists. I recently found a 40 minute recording that works for me. And here it is!
It works for me, because I find the voice soothing. In fact, even the choice of words constantly sends my brain singles of calmness, serenity. It really plays well with me. Check out a list of sounds that I tried in the past. Maybe you’d find one that may help you!
Sounds in Nature
Nature sounds were my first choice. I often heard that people use nature sounds in their room to help them sleep.
This didn’t work for me. I thought it was pretty surreal and something about it is a bit creepy. No sound in space, you say? The fabulous #geekchic folks have transferred electromagnet waved in sound waves to create the idea of what the universe possiblely sounds like.
At first, the though is pretty soothing. But, if you’re anything like me. You will start thinking of your past ocean trips and then start figuring your next vacation. Before you know it, you’re in too deep making plans and checking flight details to a resort getaway.
I just can’t seem to get past the birds. They’re too distracting. Would it work for you?
The gentle sound of water. There are different versions of this ranging from gentle streams to fountains and of course, raindrops.
Ambient electronica
Away from the pulsation sounds of EDM, electronic artist makes soothng ambient tunes. Over the years, I have colected my share of ambient music that I very happily listen to before I sleep. These are my favourite tunes by 3 of my favourite artists.
Sounds familiar? That’s because this track featured in the soundtrack for Lost In Transation and many other films.
Imogen Heap is one of the most gifted, award winning artists of our time. Fire is a track based around the campfire. It has a soothing mix of organic sounds of the piano and crackling firewood.
If you’re building a soothing ‘Sleep’ playlist, this track by Moby is simply a must-have in your list.
There is a whole world of beautiful lyrical tracks to listen to before you go to bed. These are my favourites.
We’ve all been through that mellow moment before bed, once in a while. Damian Rice is simply soulful and captures pain to present it in the most beautiful way.
If you’re looking for a voice that’s soft, velvet-like and set in a minimal mood, then Cat Power is your girl.
Artists like Sigur Ros make me want to discover Iceland. Their music is out of this world and any place that inspires such sounds, must be magical.
If you’re still figuring a way to sleep, then MissMalini may have another answer! Remember when she told you about Go The Fok To Sleep? I have a lot of music that I love to share and will do so, regularly. And if you have some beautiful tunes, you better let everyone know. Send in your comments in the section below and let’s all share music!