It’s been a month since the sweet peeps over at POPxo asked me to write this post and I’m so horribly behind! I swear I just don’t know where the time goes these days (perhaps Queensland? *lol*) but I promised myself I’d get it done today, so apologies Latha, but better late than never as per Alice’s rabbit yes? So here’s the gossip girl arsenal I travel with wherever I go. Ready? Set. Charge! xoxo
I’m talking anything from a day trip to Delhi or a weekend in Goa. I have never once been able to unload myself of all these items because of the little nerdy voice inside my head that always manages to whisper “what if?” just as I’m bolting out the door with my beach bag and forces me to repack my luggage with extra padding for my laptop and a check in bag for my various charger packs!
1. My LG G2 Android Phone

I’m a #geekchic traveler. The only time I’m NOT on my phone is when I’m forced to turn it off, by law, on flights! The reason I particularly love this baby is because, so far – of all my phones – the battery lasts the longest. Plus it’s brains include a Snapdragon 800 microchip, which means it can keep up with a master multitasker like moi 🙂 Oh the selfies we shall take you and I… <3
2. Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Two phones? Yes two phones. What seems to be the problem? 🙂 This one’s more like a tablet than a phone in my hands though! But it takes excellent pictures and has all these sexy camera features that I totally adore. And yup, you guessed it, it’s powered by Snapdragon all the way!
3. MacBook Pro

This is my life, the universe and everything. It goes everywhere with me and yes, it’s always dressed in pink. (Note to self, need to update my cover art STAT!)

4. Phone chargers & Portable rechargers

Obvious enough, gots to have juice! In fact Croma has their own brand for a couple thousand, but worth every bar 🙂 If I’m going for a full day of events I carry up to two fully juiced rechargers!
*LOL* This reminds me of our virtual cocktail party for MissMalini & POPxo where Priyanka Gill’s portable battery pack was in high demand!

5. Nikon N1 J1 Camera (Yes it must be pink!)

This is my favorite gadget at the moment because anytime anyone sees it they exclaim, “oh my God, it’s pink!” Some people even think I painted it so. 🙂 Fact is, someone over at Nikon is a genius and made this model (the N1 J1) in black, white, red and pink. Even Priyanka Chopra has one (click here for 10 things you didn’t know about her NOW) – AND it takes the BEST no flash pictures EVER.

6. Flip Mino HD (personalised for MissMalini!)

Super sad that they stopped manufacturing these, but luckily I got my hands on a bunch before they did! In fact whole bunch of popular peeps personalized MissMalini ones too! (More celebs who got them here!)
7. Airtel 3G Dongle

What good is a blogger without the Internet? So I’m very grateful to Airtel for hooking me up with my very own 3G dongle that works like a charm – ANYWHERE around the country – and has saved me from flipping out on multiple occasions when there was no Wi-Fi to be found and blogs to be posted!
8. LG Blue Tooth Headset

This was just one of the gifts in my goody bag from the awesome Qualcomm Snapdragon event in NYC, believe it or not. It’s SUPER handy because I can answer phone calls via blue tooth while I’m Whatsapping someone else 🙂 AND it keeps me hands free so I can continue typing away on my MacBook working on my blog! Truly – a real multitaskers delight 🙂
Aside from that I always throw in a surge protector (so you have multiple plug points, especially for those annoying hotel rooms with just one point free for ALL your gadgets – wtf is that.)

That means ALL of the above (yes 20 kilo travel allowance be damned!) even if some shoes have to stay home instead. Plus a Travel Adaptor, a few USB drives… and I also usually get a local SIM as soon as I land and search for Wi-Fi at airports automatically. Oh those two little words that mean so much? FREE WIFI!

Isn’t he cute, my Robot USB? I got him on PropShop24!
Oh, and Nowshad sometimes bring along this JBL Blue Tooth Speaker I got him for our anniversary cos it’s cool – and LOUD.
Surprisingly though I like to read my books old school style. Turning the pages, dog earring the corners so no iPad for me. Check out one of the books I’m most likely to be carrying on my travels here: 13 Books I couldn’t bear to give away.
PS. So that’s it for me but I do have my eye on a pair of Bose in-ear noise cancelling headphones if anyone’s feeling generous btw, my birthday’s in two weeks #justsaying 🙂
So what’s in YOUR tech arsenal?