Reading is an essential part of life. It allows you to learn new things, expand your horizons and also has the ability to inspire you. Words are one the most powerful tools that we humans have and many great authors have used that, to help us grow. That being said, there are a lot of people out there who think reading is rather mundane. So, to try and change your mind, we’ve put together a little list of books you should read, that will most likely get you hooked onto reading!
1. The Sky Is Falling By Sidney Sheldon
The Sky Is Falling is a crime novel. It was author Sidney’s third last book and was a pretty good one. The book revolves around Dana Evans, a TV anchorwoman trying to find the killer who murdered the Winthrop family. Once you start reading this book, you’ll actually get so invested in it, you won’t be able to put it down. It’s got twists, turns and a whole lot of mystery that will literally keep you at the edge of your seat.
2. The Hardy Boys By Franklin W. Dixon
The Hardy Boys, Frank and Joe Hardy, are fictional characters who have appeared in many mystery series for children and teens. The characters were created by American writer Edward Stratemeyer, however, the books themselves are written by ghostwriters under the collective pseudonym Franklin W. Dixon. The entire series is light and adventurous and makes for a perfect read. Once you start with them, you’ll find yourself going back to it over and over again. The Hardy Boys have evolved over the years and what is most intriguing is being able to read through that evolution.
3. The Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath is an American realist novel that was published back in 1939. Wikipedia also states that the book won the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and it was cited prominently when Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962. The story is set during the great depression and its main focus was around a group of farmers that were forced to leave their home for various reasons. With an enduring legacy, this book is something that will literally make you fall in love with reading. It is a bit intense but the storyline is something that you’ll find yourself immersed in.
4. Nancy Drew Series By Carolyn Keene
Wikipedia states that the character of Nancy Drew was ghostwritten and credited to the pseudonymous Carolyn Keene. Over the years, Nancy has appeared in many series, all of which we recommend you read. The longest running one of the series, Nancy Drew Mystery Stories was first written back in 1930 and finally concluded in 2003. Fun fact, Nancy Drew has also made an appearance with The Hard Boys. There is so much to choose from and each book will keep you coming back for more.
5. White Fang By Jack London
At some point or the other, we’ve all wondered what really goes through the minds of animals, haven’t we? Well, this book touches on that very topic. The book is centred around a wild wolfdog called White Fang and his journey through the territories in Canada. Another thing this book touches upon is the main character’s journey from wild animal to domestication. It makes for an extremely unique read because you get to look at things from the viewpoint of an animal. Although fiction, it does seem to be a pretty accurate one. Personally, we feel there is another message, a deeper one in the book. One that is not too obvious. But maybe that’s just us reading into things?
6. Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte
Now, what is considered a classic in English literature, was once regarded as extremely controversial. The book is rather dark as it talks a lot about the mental and physical cruelty that women suffered because of the Victorian ideals. The book also touches on the gender inequality and makes for a powerful and eye-opening read. This piece of history is something we highly recommend you read.
7. The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy By Douglas Adams
This book is a comedy science fiction series that has been quite the phenomenon for a while now. What was originally a radio comedy broadcast on BBC Radio 4, it was later adapted to many other formats including a TV series and even a feature film. Wikipedia states that the broad narrative of Hitchhiker follows the misadventures of the last surviving man, Arthur Dent, following the demolition of the planet Earth by a Vogon constructor fleet to make way for a hyperspace bypass. It’s something that is going to crack you up and yet keep you going at the same time. It is still one of the best books out there and if nothing else, it’s definitely worth a read!

What was the one book that got you hooked onto reading? Let us know in the comments below.
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