Jameela Jamil once said;
I’d rather just make peace with my million stretch marks and eczema. Taking off my mascara is enough of a pain in the arse. Save money and time and give yourself a damn break.
Whether it’s belly slimming teas or misogynistic behaviour, The Good Place actress Jameela Jamil is not afraid to speak up and call out problematic brands or people! Jameela has always been unapologetically vocal about her opinions. We got to see this of her last week when Kim Kardashian launched her new KKW Beauty skin perfecting body foundation. This product promises to blur ‘imperfections’ and it comes in 5 different shades and retails at $45 (approximately INR 3,105/-).
There were definitely mixed reactions about this product. However one stood out like a sore thumb, and that belonged to Jameela. She immediately voiced her thoughts on the matter and they weren’t positive in any aspect. Here’s what she had to say:
Hard pass. God damn the work to take it all off before bed so it doesn’t destroy your sheets… I’d rather just make peace with my million stretch marks and eczema. Taking off my mascara is enough of a pain in the arse. Save money and time and give yourself a damn break. ❤️ https://t.co/gGrbiZfH2K
— Jameela Jamil 🌈 (@jameelajamil) June 24, 2019
Jameela has always called out brands which profit from women’s insecurities. In fact, she’s the founder of the I Weigh movement, which encourages women to not define their worth on the basis of their weight and physical appearance. So when KKW’ Beauty‘s body foundation launched, Jameela was furious. She wants to normalize stretch marks, cellulite and other so-called ‘imperfections’ and products like these are totally against all that she stands for. In her words, she refuses to have her scars weaponised against her.
People definitely seemed to agree with her because her tweet got more than 70,000 likes and 11,000 retweets. It seems as though everyone is finally ready to embrace and accept themselves for exactly who they are, thanks to Jameela.

What are your thoughts on covering up scars with a body foundation? Do you think it is a revolution or something completely unnecessary? Let us know in the comments below.
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