When Nick Jonas married our Desi Girl, Priyanka Chopra last year, little did we know he was going to become the biggest Bollywood music buff in the house. When wife, PC, was asked about his love for Hindi music, she said he was a fan and it’s his jam. Well, we can hear that loud and clear as we see him blast some peppy Bollywood beats before each one of his tours in the USA to get everyone pumped for the show.
Not only that, on his birthday, we saw him grooving to a song – complete with all the dance moves – with Priyanka. And might we say, the guy’s got some pretty great dance moves. Now, he shared a story of him gearing up for the Jonas Brothers‘ concert in San Fransisco while jamming to a straught-out Punjabi song. He is seen grooving to the beats of ‘Morni Banke‘ from Ayushmann Khurrana and Neena Gupta‘s film, Badhaai Ho.
Here is the video:
Isn’t he the coolest one of them all?
The pop star also recently took to his Instagram to congratulate wifey Priyanka and the entire cast of the film — The Sky Is Pink — for making an absolutely amazing film. PC replied saying, “Thank you, my jaan“. Can they get any cuter?