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5 Beauty Products I’m Going To Ditch This Year

5 Beauty Products I’m Going To Ditch This Year

Eesha Kokane

For the longest time, I considered trying out new skincare and makeup products as a “hobby”. Thanks to this behaviour of mine, I ended up creating Marie Kondo‘s nightmare in my bedroom. Thanks to social distancing, I had the opportunity to clean my room. While decluttering, I realised that buying and trying excessive beauty products is not only harmful to my skin and bank account, but it is also damaging the environment. Consumerism is an underrated problem that is affecting the environment, and we need to take it more seriously. So, in an effort to that, I have decided to stop purchasing a few beauty products. Without any further ado, here the beauty products I am planning to ditch:

1. Cotton Pads

The one beauty products we should or try and ditch (or at least reduce using) is cotton pads. Just think about it—if we use only two cotton pads every day, we will still end up putting a whole pile of them in the landfills in just a few months. So instead of using this wasteful beauty product, we should use reusable cotton pads.

2. Toners

Thanks to celebrities and influencers who have twelve-step (or more) skincare routines, we’ve been convinced that we need additional skincare products. Toners are prime examples of this. A toner’s purpose is to balance the pH level of your skin. They were originally made because soaps used to be harsh compared to the ones we have right now. However, now there are a ton of gentle cleansers available, so your skin won’t even need a toner. Hence, I’ll be ditching this beauty product.

3. Sheet Masks

Another example of wasteful beauty products are sheet masks. A sheet mask’s purpose is to hydrate your skin, and any serum or moisturiser can do that without creating a lot of waste. So save your money and the environment by ditching sheet masks.

4. Products With Fragrance

When I was younger, I would love using skincare products with a pleasant fragrance. However, now my mindset is the complete opposite. I’ve now realised that there’s no benefit to having fragrance in your skincare products. In fact, they can make you sensitive to fragrances which can be a problem.

5. Physical Exfoliators

After I’ve been introduced to the world of chemical exfoliation, I can never go back to face scrubs. Physical exfoliation AKA scrubs can be abrasive, and they tend to irritate your skin. So instead, I’m planning to use exfoliating toner with AHAs and BHAs.

What are some beauty products you are planning to ditch this year?

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