Over the past years, the Spider-Man franchise has won hearts across the world. The character of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been one of the most loved and successful characters. Marvel Studios just treated fans with something that they have been waiting for. The trailer of ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home‘ is finally out and has been winning hearts already!
While Peter (Tom Holland) is on the run to ensure the safety of his loved ones, the trailer just got better with the presence of Benedict Cumberbatch who plays Dr. Strange. The team apparently decided to launch the trailer the day after the trailer allegedly leaked online. The trailer also gives us glimpses of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange working out a plan together to fight the enemies. It also shows us how Dr. Strange is helping Peter get back to the time where no one knew he was Spider-Man.
Watch the trailer below!
In this new thrilling trailer, we also get some glimpses of the return of some old villains amid a lot of action sequences. The trailer has definitely caught my attention and my excitement level is at an all-time high after seeing Dr. Strange in the trailer. I am sure that MCU fans are in for a treat and I can’t wait to see what the entire cast has in store for us.