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Exclusive! World Environment Day: “Whenever It Is A Friend Or Colleague’s Birthday Or Anniversary, I Grow Trees In Their Names…” – Dia Mirza Rekhi

Exclusive! World Environment Day: “Whenever It Is A Friend Or Colleague’s Birthday Or Anniversary, I Grow Trees In Their Names…” – Dia Mirza Rekhi

Nawaz Kochra

Today, on World Environment Day, I have been thinking a lot about how we take nature for granted. And while we don’t realize how climate change is real until heatwaves hit us, there is time for us to smell the coffee and act before it’s too late. So on this world environment day, I spoke to actress Dia Mirza Rekhi who is also the UNEP Goodwill Ambassador & UN SG’s Advocate for sustainable development goals. Not just this, she is amongst those few people who is actually leading a sustainable life, who got married in a sustainable way. And the insightful conversation we had about the environment totally left me inspired.

Read the excerpts from the interview here:

On steps we can take at an individual level to protect the environment:

I really believe in the power of personal action. If you consider the power of 1.3 billion actions the kind of change, we can bring is enormous. But any change begins with first accepting and acknowledging that our own individual health, well-being, peace and progress, our survival depends on the health of the natural world. We all need clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, food to be able to grown in healthy soils, and we need a climate that supports all life. I think this consciousness of our individual patterns of consumption, how we live every day, celebrate special occasions, can make a difference to the environment and bring about the change that is required. Refusing single use plastics, carrying your own bottle wherever you go, thinking about how you can better manage waste at home every day, fixing leaking taps or turning off taps while washing utensils to avoid wastage of water. Simple things like switching from CFL bulbs to LED bulbs, eating more plant based diets, these are somethings everyone can do and truly contribute significantly towards the environment.

On how easy or difficult it is to lead a sustainable life:

It’s hard and I don’t think it’s possible to be perfectly sustainable at all times. We live in urban centers where we have all kinds of limitations, but if we all can make as many sustainable choices as possible we can make a very big difference. If I had to count how much I have managed to save plastic from entering the natural world, in the last five years, the number would be quite significant. We should not be too caught up with pointing fingers on what somebody may not be doing, but let us consider what all are the things we can do. I feel great pride in the fact that I don’t over consume like I used to, I don’t shop mindlessly any more. When I was younger I always wanted to buy the latest in fashion or trend, I no longer feel such desire. I really celebrate reusing, I take great pride in repeating and these are things I think we can all do.

A message she would want to give the people for saving the earth and help climate change:

I feel more and more people are becoming aware. Of course we need more people to be aware, and it is conversations like these that will help educate and help more people understand that with the patterns of consumption we have created all over the world, we are increasing the temperature of the earth. Climate change is real, the only way we can limit temperature rise is by ensuring we half the fossil fuel emissions in the next eight years. I believe its possible with awareness and love. Find time for nature, go out, interact with nature it will give you a deep understanding of a natural world that exist to support life, so we must love it, nurture it and protect it.

Well, I am sure Dia’s vision for the environment will inspire you too. On the work front, we will see her next in Bheed and Dhak Dhak.