Ramadan is here! And while a lot of people are used to fasting for so many days at a stretch, many of us take a while to adjust to the change in meal timings. And especially in the heat, it’s tough to stay hydrated around the time you’re fasting. Here are some food items you could consume before and after your fast, to keep you hydrated during the day. Here they are:
1. Watermelon

Watermelons contain 98% water. It is the most hydrating fruit ever. Make sure to stock up on this during the month.
2. Basil Seeds Or Sabza

Drinking half a glass of water-soaked basil seeds in cold milk will help hydrate the body and it also helps reduce acidity.
3. Milk

Milk hydrates the body and keeps it cool. Not only does it help cool the body, but also keeps it energized to work all day.
4. Cucumber

Cucumbers also contain 98% water and are perfect to keep you hydrated this season. It also keeps the body cool.
5. Lettuce

This contains 95% water and should be added to your diet this season. The fibre in the lettuce helps improve the bowel system.
6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain 94.5% water in them. Make sure to add them to your meals to keep your body hydrated.
7. Yoghurt

It’s not only fruits and vegetables that are hydrating. Yoghurt consists of 85-88% water. Hence, it keeps the body cool and hydrates it.
Apart from all the fatty food we end up eating during this season, we highly recommend you add these to your meals to stay hydrated during the fast. Ramadan Mubarak from team MissMalini!
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