Healthy living isn’t as difficult or terrible as it seems. One doesn’t have to eat bottomless bowls of salad and workout 24/7 to look and feel good, despite what social media may tell us. Healthy living can start with something as small as not junk food only on Sundays or walking your dog five times a week. Since today is World Health Day, we wanted to highlight some small and effective healthy habits that you should incorporate in your life. We had a conversation about this on Girl Tribe by MissMalini and the suggestions were incredible! Here are some habits that women swear by to live a healthier life!
10 Healthy Habits To Incorporate In Your Life
1. Spoonful Of Ghee On An Empty Stomach
While this may sound gross, it’s actually not that bad. I can personally vouch for this as I’ve been doing it for months now. Having a spoonful of ghee (not overly processed) on an empty stomach every morning an hour before you have breakfast is great! Scientifically, it lines your gut and prepares it for smooth digestion. It’s also made my hair and skin visibly better too! It may take some time getting used to, but once you do, you will not be able to stop.

2. Writing A Gratitude Journal
Writing a gratitude journal is a great way to rewind, relax and count your blessings (most of which we often take for granted). Maintaining a gratitude journal grounds you and makes you realise the importance of certain places, things and people in your life. Its one of those healthy habits that will aid your mental health greatly. All you need is a pen, a notebook and the spirit of thankfulness.
3. Eating Dinner By 7.30 PM Latest
I always wondered why all American TV shows had characters eating dinner in broad daylight. Why they were summoned in the dining room at 5 PM and why they just did it like it was totally normal. Turns out, eating dinner before sunset is common everywhere except India! Most of us are used to eating dinner by 8 PM at the earliest. This goes against our body-clocks and circadian rhythm, which benefit when we eat dinner before sunset. Eating dinner early is definitely one of the best healthy habits to have and helps digestion, overall well-being and sleep.

4. Going Vegan
Going vegan is extremely hard, and is not for everyone. However, if it is something you believe in and are able to do, go for it! Without getting into the ethical, moral and scientific conflicts surrounding the vegan movement, veganism can make you feel good and healthy. By cutting out meat and dairy, you not only forgo a lot of processing that comes with animal by-products, but also the ill-effects they may do to your body. Dairy for instance, has been linked to bad skin, bloating and indigestion, and many people are consuming alternatives like nut milk.
5. Feeding Stray Animals
This is the best, most wholesome and incredible thing to do, especially during this pandemic. Stray animals never have it easy and often stay hungry. Feeding them is probably one of the greatest healthy habits. It makes them feel loved and makes you feel happy.

6. Making Time For Sex
Sexual wellness is important! Scheduling a time for sex may sound boring and weird, but it’s needed. Many couples tend to stay “sex-less” for long periods of time and this has been proven to put a strain on their relationship. So, make time for sex, even if your schedule is busy.
7. Stretching In Bed
A quick stretch before sleeping and upon waking up feels great. It helps both, wake you up and wind you down after a long day. This is a unique, but effective healthy habit that you must try to incorporate in your daily life.

8. Being Kinder To Myself
We criticize ourselves too much. We nitpick, degrade and constantly compare ourselves to others. Being kinder to yourself is a must, especially due to the stressful year we’ve had and unfortunately, are still having. Whether it’s by meditating, saying positive affirmations or just giving yourself space, be nicer to yourself. Celebrate all you’ve done, allow yourself to make mistakes and accept your failures, it’ll make you feel better and better your mental health.
9. Walking 15,000 Steps Daily
Walking is the simplest and most effortless thing one can do to keep fit. With gyms being shut, walking and running are great ways to workout and burn those extra calories. Start small with 5,000 steps a day and gradually build it up to 15,000. Having a tracker (watch or phone application) can help and motivate you to complete your steps. Walk around at home, in your building compound, in your neighbourhood or literally wherever! Plus, it’s always great to get some fresh air.

Which healthy habits do you swear by? Share it with us in the comments below.
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